Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thing #12: Creating Community through Commenting

We all live in towns or cities that are divided into subdivision or neighborhoods. These are the communities which we choose to interact with others. It had not dawned on me that there would be a community of blogger's that would be interested in building communities online with total strangers. However are we really total strangers when we consider the common interest that could bring us together to learn? No, we are teachers or individuals that are in search of knowledge that can be shared with others. In order to grow we must seek, question, evaluate and come to new conclusions and by having the opportunity to comment to each other on our blogs we can continue to grow our knowledge, our interest's in a healthy manner.

In return we need to keep in mind that there are guidelines which we should follow to ensure that we are commenting and building these communities in a positive way. I had not realized the importance of commenting on a blog or responding to a comment received until I read the links for Blue Shunk about "some comments about commenting" and "are you contributing to the general discussion?". I also liked the graphic that was posted on Drape's Takes for his EduBlogger Etiquette Series concerning the voice of your readers.

Having learned this information I have gone back to the comments that I received from my readers and thanked them for commenting and I have now in the process of leaving comments as I read others blogs. I will update this entry prior to the end of our training with the interesting blog notes that I read and write to.

Update: Posting Comments (07/16/08)
Please visit our fellow blogger's in Library2Play, they have some very interesting perspectives on our activities: La Bibiotecaria Loca (Thing 12), Fooling w/Words (Thing 15), BelieveinBooks's WeBlog (Thing15) and Dragonread (Thing 15). Thanks for your thoughts and playing this summer on your computers with the rest of us at Library2Plays!


VWB said...

I agree that we are not really strangers because of our common objective of helping kids to learn. We are indeed community members who maybe have not all met face-to-face yet!

bookeatersclub said...
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bookeatersclub said...

I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to the rest of your comments as you finish this journey!

IZ-A-BEL99 said...

Thank you and it is nice to meet you.