Monday, July 14, 2008

Thing #13: Discovering & social bookmarking!

I never learned how to bookmark a site or a resource on my computer. I have always used the favorite's folder to create files for each of the subjects that I teach and saved to the files. This is a time consuming process and creates large files that are not easy to sort through.

I have noticed tags on websites during my searches but never really realized how useful they could be in making my research more efficient and productive. I also was not aware that there were social bookmarking websites where you could create a network with other professionals and see what resources they found valuable.

Thank you for introducing social bookmarking to your Library2.0 Lessons. This is going to be a resource with great value to my planning. I found that it was very easy to add the bookmark and tag to my toolbar. However you do need to close your browser and reopen to see it. I have booked marked an article on bedrooms which I can present to my students when they get ready to create a bedroom design. Check out my new link and see the modern bedrooms!

1 comment:

bookeatersclub said...

Glad to read that you found a resource that will facilitate projects for you and your students!